Tax Deeded Property for Sale - 11 Mary Avenue Raymond NH

Online Real Estate Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 1 25 19 - To view auction details go to and Search For 10384-48. Click the QAL box and then hit search or 2CpvjyNThis auction is for 11 Mary Avenue Tax Map 11.4 Lot 51Owner Town of Raymond Parcel is Identified as Tax Map 11.4 - Lot 51 comprising .33 acres and an existing 1970 manufactured home with 896 square feet of living area.Please refer to the attached PDF bid packet below description on auction page. Please note that the other two properties for auction by this seller in the Notice of Sale are listed separately on To see other properties click on view seller s other assets under Seller Information section of auction page. is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION



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