1997 Georgie Boy Encounter

For sale a 1997 Georgie Boy Encounter motorhome. It is 38 feet long with 1 super slide. Has a cat. 275 hp turbo diesel motor 6 speed Allison electronic shift transmission on a freightliner chassis with 101000 miles which is nothing for a diesel air ride all new Michelin tires new batteries new hydraulic pump and motor leveling jacks 2 TV s side by side frig. with ice maker hide a bed couch with new mattress kitchen booth corian counter tops all wood cabinets microwave convection oven plumbed for washer dryer combo queen bed in master sleeps 5 to 6 6.6 kw generator 50 amp cord 2 roof air units Lots of storage. Too many accessories to list. Recent new paint and always stored inside non smoker extra clean great shape everything works. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1007601.htm sthash.6Qx0emLl.dpuf



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