Paradise Infrasolutions Launch the Cadence in Bhiwadi

Paradise Infrasolutions Pvt. Ltd. takes pride in unveiling to you its upcoming residential landmark which is lavishly designed to transform your lifestyle. Most of you are already aware that our visionary leadership sustained quality and professionalism have helped us in successfully carving out a niche for itself. Our pioneering efforts have got us where we are today. The group welcomes you to this exciting new venture-The Cadence. Meticulously planned as a picture perfect setting at the fast emerging city of Bhiwadi this exclusive community will surpass every aspiration of your dream home while offering a newfound serenity. Book your dream home that will unleash a fresh zest in your life. Unbeatable location Located at sec-106-A Bhiwadi Housing industrial & economic revolution Robust infrastructural growth Golden investment destination Amazing access to Gurgaon Incredible connectivity with Delhi & NCR Conveniently connected to IGI airport Proposed airport just 10 mins drive Rajiv Chowk Gurgaon just 30 mins drive Open lush green surroundings Unparalleled amenities Nature-opulent lifestyle Modern 1 2 & 3BHK apartments Whole range of club & sports facilities Round-the-clock security Uninterrupted power back-up 24x7 water supply Open amphitheatre Basketball court & badminton court Temple Gymnasium Swimming pool Party lawn & kids pool Skating rink & jogging track Kids playground Landscapes & flower garden Yoga meditation zone etc.



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