SANCHEZ and SONS HAULING and SALVAGE (Scrap MetalsTrashBrushJ

Here at Sanchez & Sons we re family owned and operated we focus on all your Hauling and Salvaging needs. Whether your needing something disposed or appliances removed. (Metal items we will come pick of charge) We work with all people residential and commercial in San Antonio and surrounding areas all through out the year. No need to wait for the bulky pick up once a year. We can also help with home clean outs or property clean outs. Anything you need removed or hauled just call and let us know We will take care of the rest. You can call us anytime at 210-896-4181 or 210-885-1930 to schedule a pick up Just let us know you read the ad.Salvage for the Future. We donate whenever possible to organizations as well as anyone who s looking for items they need. -----xx (SALVAGE) FREE PICK UPS o.Scrap metals alloys o.Water Heaterso.A c units o.Cast Iron tubs sinkso.Wiring cables extension cordso.Steel fenceo.Pots Panso.Refrigeratorso.Washers Dryers dishwasherso.Household Appliances o.Metal car parts Car Batterieso.Misc. Metals0.Exercise equipmento.Anything that has metal we can take (iron steel aluminium copper.)CALL TODAY AND SCHEDULE A PICK UP Sanchez & Son s Hauling & Metal Salvage



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