Howell Michigan - ORIGINAL - ONE OWNER - Gated - Lake Chemung Outdoor Resort location - I-96 to Exit 145 - turn right on to Hughes - go right approximately one mile on left hand side - Look for sign Lake Chemung Resort (IT S A GATED COMMUNITY) 1989 Casa Villa Elite Trailer Coach -(Trailer Coach - 35 x 12 plus an extra added 35 x 9 - 3 season addition) - Lot 218 - This is a one bedroom with two sofa beds that could sleep 5 comfortably Bedroom with queen size bedroom - decor panels in bedroom -Full Bath with vanity fibeglass shower enclosure with glass shower door - house type toilet. Kitchen with raised Oak cabinet doors rollar guides on drawers stainless steel sink 16cu ft 2 door frost free refrigerator 30 deluxe range range hood w light & power vent. Pedestal table with chairs. Living room with 3 cushion sofa hide-a-bed -sleeps 2 - high back swivel rocker. Doorwall leads to 3 season room - has a sofa hide-a-bed - sleeps 2. You ll be impressed with the condition - looks brand new Association maintenance fee - 130.00 month includes water grass cutting & snow removal. Owner pays gas & electric. This community has been in existance for 30 years 340 site resort. The resort offers indoor swimming pool horseshoes tennis court golf course and club house - AND of course lake access to Lake Chemung. Terms Cash or Land Contact with a good down payment CALL NICK - 313-407-4455 for additional information Email - pauline.condon(at)century21com



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