Myra The Boutique

Ahmedabad Gujrat December 24 2018-- At Myra we provide dresses for all occasions. Like a wedding Diwali etc. We can customize dresses as the requirement of the customer. Customers satisfaction is our priority. At Myra we provide many varieties of salwar-kurtas gowns top-skirts and layered dresses and many more. And must try our new collection we hope you like that.About ProductThis Ghagra-Choli design with silver thread (zari) on Dupatta Top and Ghagra.And light pink net fabric dupatta with silver border work.Ghagra reaches to the floor.Material Cotton.Work Elephant work on ghagra and silver thread work.Colour Pink and light pink.ContactG-2 Shivalik-1 Opp. Shell Petrol Pump 100 Feet Anand Nagar Rd Prahlad Nagar Ahmedabd 380015 myratheboutique(at) 9978529793



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