Panasonic econ Pearl CS-YC12NKY-N Air Conditioners - System Desi

PREFERED DEALER Panasonic Ideas for life AIRCONDITIONERS SYSTEM DESIGNING 102 Aagam Complex Pratapkunj Ahmadabad India Tfax. - 91 79 26631673 E-mail - sdesign_trs(at) CS-YC12NKY-N Capacity 1.0 ton 3.36kW Anti-Bacterial Filter Wide & Long Airflow Vane Blue Fin Condenser C C C C C C Features Specifications Anti-Bacterial Filter The Anti-Bacterial Filter combines three effects in one anti-allergen anti-virus and anti-bacteria protection to provide clean air. Odour-Removing Function With this function there s no unpleasant odour when the unit starts up. That s because the fan remains off momentarily while the source of the odour inside the air conditioner is suppressed. Removable Washable Panel The front panel is easy to keep clean. It removes quickly with a simple one-step operation and can be washed in water. A clean front panel promotes smoother more efficient performance which can save energy. Soft Dry Operation Mode Starts with cooling to dehumidify. Then provides continuous breeze at low frequency to keep room dry without much change in temperature. Airflow Direction Control (Up & Down) The louver swings up and down automatically distributing air throughout the room. You can also adjust the airflow angle by remote control. Blue Fin Condenser - Lasts 3 times Longer An Air Conditioner& s performance depends largely on its condenser which can take a beating from exposure to salty air wind dust and other corrosive factors. Panasonic has found a way to triple the life of our condensers using a layer of our original anti-rust coating. This special coating lets you enjoy more years of reliable comfort plus extra economy over the long run. Tejas Shah 919825024651



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