Real Estate Consultant

We are an experienced real estate investment company seeking Investment Consultants for our expanding national operations. We are looking for self-motivated results driven people who are looking to take advantage of a growing investor-friendly market. We invest in residential commercial and vacant properties. Are you a Realtor who is having trouble attracting qualified home buyers or gaining listings Put your license on inactive and come to work for us. No MLS Fees. No continuing education costs. No license renewal fees. We are not a brokerage firm. We are an investment company. State law does not require a license to be a real estate investor. Are you an investor who is tired of spending too much of your time and money managing properties and contractors Why drive yourself crazy struggling to make it on your own and getting nowhere when you can be a part of a growing team and see continuous deals close each month One of our team members has become a millionaire through his real estate investing. Benefits to our Consultants 1) Consistent deals without having to employ outdated marketing or client farming techniques. 2) Steady flow of active serious and qualified buyers sellers. 3) 1-4 new deals a month for those who work at it. 4) Opportunity to work (mostly) from your home. 5) Dedicated support and training that will assist you with finding investments determining value placing offers marketing to buyers and client support. Time involved 1) Most Consultants will work only part time primarily from your home. 2) You will need transportation to and from the investment properties. Compensation 1) 100% commission based. 2) Consultants can expect to earn ten percent of the profits earned on a flip. We intend to make at least 10 000 profit per investment. Leasing commissions also available. Qualifications 1) Consultants must be HONEST self-motivated and organized. 2) Some experience with real estate transactions and contract negotiations helpful but not required. Must be self-starters hungry for a payday and possess good interpersonal skills. You must have a flexible schedule reliable transportation cell phone and a computer with access to email. A willingness to learn and think out of the box is essential for this position. We are looking to hire you to do actual work and reap the rewards of your efforts. If you are interested reply to this posting with either a formal resume or a message describing your experience and why you feel you are right for the job. Whatever you feel you may lack in experience you can make up for it with creativity. Suitable applicants will be contacted to schedule an over the phone interview. We also do background checks at our expense. Company President is a licensed real estate agent. Katina Jackson Director of Recruiting VL Investments LLC Investing in People



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