When you re up to your waist in snow remember this AD

Great Vacation Home College Student Housing and everything in between Enjoy Maintenance Free Living in a friendly community. The Low Monthly Fee covers Building & Roof Repairs Heating & Cooling Maintenance Plumbing & Electrical Landscaping (except within a courtyard) Water Garbage Pick-up and the Care & Maintenance of the Crystal Clear Swimming Pool. Choose from a 450 SF Studio to 750 SF 2BD 1BA (Condo Style-1st or 2nd Floor Units) or a 2-3 BD 2BA Townhome Style (2 Story Units - Up to 1 100 SF). Priced from 14 900 to 61 000. You ll never run out of things to do with Reid Park only a few blocks away. It has 2 Golf Courses Driving Range Lighted Tennis Courts Bike Walk Jog Path Band Shell Rose Garden Reid Park Zoo High Corbet Field Soccer Fields Aquatic Center Dog Park Playground Areas and an Activity Center with a wide variety of Classes and More Only 2 Blocks to the Bus Line Bike Path PLUS easy access to Downtown Tucson via Aviation Hwy where the Action Begins Restaurants Shopping & Entertainment also within 1.2 mile and the University of Arizona is 4.4 miles. NO Age Restrictions NO Rentals allowed. This is a Coop Ownership - Citation Gardens 1-11 Cash Only Stock Certificate received. Note Pets are allowed in some units - Please inquire . (Photos depict a variety of properties available)



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