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HOLY BIBLE BIG NEWS New discovery in the Holy Bible about the fall of Man who we are and the full truth of why Christ died for man. The reason for the second covenant. NO CHURCH TEACHES IT because it has been overlooked Secret Disciples knew gave first church their power to receive fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is the key to have ALL prayer answered. It is the key to unite all churches into only one church. Makes way for a Universal Kingdom of Christ on earth Must see BIG BIG BIG NEWS go to FOR ALL DETAILS To whom it may concern I am writing to you about Top News of the century No matter what walk of life you are in or where you live it is TOP NEWS This news is about uncovered mysteries in the Holy Bible. No church teaches it And hasn t taught it for centuries. Why Because it has been overlooked. It became overlooked since after the time of the apostles of Christ. The Holy Bible has had some turmoil in history. It has been under scrutiny and political scandals it has been misinterpreted and criticized it has been the subject of wars and political unrest all because it is the word of a Holy God. This information could bring to us world peace it is that powerful. It is the secret to the fullness of the Holy Spirit the information all the apostles of Jesus Christ had. Even the apostle Paul. His writings that are hard to understand without this revelation become easy to understand with this revelation. The mystery of Jesus Christ s commission is uncovered and the second blood covenant of Jesus Christ is understood even how it applies. What really happened in Eden is understood and is connected to the sacrifice Jesus gave us on the cross. This mystery uncovers how to have peace with God and man. How to obey all the commandments. Even how to hear God speak to you and what to do to earn heaven. You will find this revelation on my website. Please read all because it even uncovers who we are and what we are what we become and what is the spirit. We are a threefold being. But the spirit is not us it is another. It can be two or three or however many over takes us. We have a soul we are that soul but we are not the spirit. The spirit is a dragon and we all were born with it. It is the curse of fallen man. We can have more than one. When we ask Jesus to come into our hearts he also is a spirit. He is the King of kings and the dragon is a king. But Jesus overcomes the dragon. The dragon is pride lust gluttony greed envy laziness and wrath. All these things are sin in us. Jesus did not have any abomination in him. He was pure of corruption. All we are is the HOST. When we sin there is a curse. The curse is a covenant of darkness that is written against us. We walk in it. Just like we shall walk in Christ. Because he came to destroy the covenant of darkness and to loose the seven seals from us through his blood covenant. The seven seals is the dragon pride wrath gluttony greed envy laziness and lust. ALL OF THIS IS IN THE HOLY BIBLE. The only way to get rid of the dragon is through the second blood covenant of Christ. We must enter in and pray with blood sprinkling of Christ. This is also written in the Holy Bible. We have to do this twice a day to get rid of the dragon so that we can have the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said to have patience in possessing your soul. We must do this for a while to be delivered from the dragon because of the covenant of darkness we have entered into. Once we are delivered from this dragon we still have to do the blood sprinkled prayers for obedience because all we are is the host. We still pray till dust do us part. Everyday we must chose Christ. Because his kingdom is not divided neither is the devil s. So in other words we are either operating out of the Spirit of Christ or the spirit of the devil. And all who do not know Jesus as their personal savior are walking in the devil. This is why Jesus said that the world did not receive him because he is not of the world and he testifies against it because it is evil. This is truth. This is why so many go to hell. All need to ask Jesus to come into their heart so that he can save them. This is what Paul meant when he said to mortify the flesh. We sprinkle the blood of Jesus over pride wrath lust gluttony greed envy laziness to keep them from being puffed up. Like the leaven Christ spoke of. The blood of Jesus also strengthens us to be obedient. It is what we have to use in order to walk in the spirit of Christ. When we speak the blood of Jesus God is omnipotent and omnipresent he hears us and honors his son because he sent his son to die for us and we accept him by verbalizing his blood covenant. We must not have idolatries though or there is a curse. Idols blind the eyes from truth and take Jesus Christ s place so we must choose or loose. This is why there are so many churches today But with this information EVERYONE will understand what it is that they did wrong and come together as one Church in Christ. The Bible verses are all supplied on my website for the proof of this revelation that the Kingdom of God gave me. And the reason they all gave it to me is written there too. World Peace is possible The fullness of the Holy Spirit is within reach Christ s Kingdom on earth is possible in THIS DAY and age Please come this information is BIG BIG NEWS And it should be shared with the world regardless of its reception. Thank you for your attention May the good Lord bless you with sight. Kindest regards Starla Finley



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