Our Exclusive program allows our customers to rebuild their credit while driving to succeed. Many other cars trucks vans and suv s available for our FRESH START FINANCING PROGRAM TODAY Ask for Kamaui Williams 971-312-9178 (call or text) Are you concerned about past credit challenges BK repo(s) foreclosure collections charge-offs student loans .......No worries we can overcome them with our great relationships with our lenders ... Our program is NOT BASED ON CREDIT ALONE Are you interested in the Ca h balanced owed Or would you like to be qualified for our EXCLUSIVE FRESH START FINANCING PROGRAM Our program is the easiest in the business to get qualified for a affordable auto loan We also offer GREAT CA H DEALS Credit union direct lending available for approved buyer s. Do you have verifiable income Do you receive pay stubs 1099 taxes bank statements contracts award letter or a phone bill in your name Do you receive bills and mail at your address utility bills mail Do you have a valid driver s license If you re interested in rebuilding YOUR CREDIT AFTER COLLECTIONS CHARGE OFFS DIVORCE BANKRUPTCY REPOSSESSION(S) STUDENT LOANS JUDGEMENTS LATE PAYS OR UNPAID MEDICAL BILLS our lenders will forgive your past and focus on your future. We offer an aggressive 1st time buyers program. CALL NOW FOR PROGRAM DETAILS AND FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY FOR OUR PROGRAM REGARDLESS OF PAST CREDIT HISTORY. DEALER CODE 2754 971-312-9178



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