I bedroom and two bedroom

Parkview Apartments NOW LEASING UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Ask about our Move-In Specials our professional staff would love to give you a tour NOW OFFERING FREE APPLICATION FEES FOR MILITARY UNTIL NOV 30TH NOW OFFERING DISCOUNTS -Military -Student -Medical Worker -Senior CitizenApartment Home Amenities Kitchens include Refrigerator Stove Dishwasher and Garbage Disposal Tile and hardwood floors Walk-In Closets Fenced and private patios ceiling fans and stackable washer and dryer hookups available in select apartment homes Cox Digital Cable readyCommunity Features 1 2 and 3 bedrooms available Renovated Apartment Homes Professional Caring Staff Two Laundry rooms on-site Two Sparkling swimming pools Small pets Welcome Playground and picnic areas 24 Hour Courtesy Patrol 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance Conveniently located across from Regional Park and dog park and near the post office police department Midwest Regional Hospital and minutes away from Tinker Air Force Base Bricktown and Rose State CollegeVisit us at 8401 E Reno Ave Midwest City OK 73110 or Call us at 405-737-0211 Also check out more pictures and information on facebook.com parkviewapartmentsmwc or parkviewok.comHURRY THESE APARTMENT HOMES WON T LAST Our Hours are Monday 8 30-6 00 Tues-Thursday 8 30-5 00 Friday 8 30-6 00 Saturday 10 00-4 00



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