Executive Director non profit

BBSI is partnering with a non-profit social service agency in Lincoln County to facilitate a search for a full-time Executive Director. The position requires strong interaction and collaboration with a board of directors as well as experience with real-estate finance or development and five or more years of effectively managing an organization department or team of professionals. A graduate degree in public administration planning community development or equivalent experience is preferred along with a working knowledge of building trades including green building and residential accessibility. The Exec Director spearheads all public relations and marketing efforts along with the overall strategic plan annual budget and fundraising including grant writing. A competitive starting salary includes paid major holidays vacation and sick time as well as access to medical reimbursement program. Interested applicants please submit resume in WORD format to the reply link. You may fax to 541-574-9892 attn Randy Getman Mailing 644 SW Coast Hwy Suite A Newport OR 97365



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