Sanitaire Electrolux SC886 Upright Commercial Vacuum Cleaner 7 A

This Vacuum is brand new. It has a small dent that could probably be pulled out on the chrome part of the vacuum. Because of the small dent I am able to offer this vacuum at a great price. Product descriptionInnovative Sanitaire upright provides unique labor-saving and life-extending features in powerful commercial cleaning machine. Designed with Quick Kleen the easy-to-remove clear fan chamber that makes cleaning or changing a fan take just a matter of minutes. Get the vibrating action of the chrome steel ball bearing brush roll Vibra Groomer II. Makes commercial cleaning easier with six carpet level adjustments a 12 cleaning width and 50 power cord. Save time and money with these long-lasting uprights that have large easy roll wheels and a chrome hood cover. Dust capacity is 18 dry qt. Weighs 17-1 2 lb. 7 amps.Provides a myriad of labor-saving features Easy-to-remove fan takes minutes to clean 6 carpet level adjustments 12 cleaning width and 50 power cord



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