100% Disababled Veteran Needs Financial Help

100% Disabled Veteran USAF SSgt Patrick Santell Desperatly needs YOUR Help. His Wife of 53 Years is suffing from CANCER and ALZHEIMER S DISEASE. Her Medical Bills & Daily Housing are OVERWHELMING and more than Twice the the Benefits and Funds availabe. I almost lost My Life protecting our Country and Your Freedom. Now You can do something for Me. If everyone who reads this between NOW and CHRISTMAS and makes a PLEDGE for As little as 1.00 to 5.00 it will ensure that the Bill s will be PAID and My Wife & Family will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season for One Last Time. If you care to help PLEASE Mail Your PLEDGE in the form of a Check made Payable to Patrck Santell AND Mail it to 132 AFTON STREET APARTMENT 1B KEARNY NEW JERSEY 07032. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS & GENEROSITY. GOD BLESS YOU



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