Lemon Balm Seeds (heirloom Non-HybridNon GMO) Order now. Free sh

Lemon Balm Seeds (Non-Hybrid Non-GMO) At Home Farm Herbery we know that our organic Lemon Balm has many uses both medicinal and culinary. Leaves make great garnishes for salads or other uses. Leaves can also be used to make delicious teas which are said to reduce stress. It also is believed to help ease colds flu headache and indigestion. It also acts as a sedative. The plants grow from 18-26 . So we offer these seeds so you can have the benefit of growing your own Lemon Balm. Melissa officinalis 75% Germination rate Perennial herb returns every year 99% Pure Country of Origin USA (Non-Hybrid Non-GMO) Planting Lemon Balm can be seeded directly to a garden or planter or can be transplanted from seedlings. Sow seeds in the spring for a harvest or in the fall for a spring sprout. Place plants 12 apart. Germination Seeds take 7 to 14 days to sprout. Soil and Light Lemon Balm is a sun loving plant. We only have a limited quantity this year so buy today. When you sow this package of seeds you are taking part in the preservation of healing plants worldwide. Approx. 80 heirloom seeds 4.99 Approx. 160 Heirloom seeds 7.99 all orders are shipped free and all orders come with a free herb or herb blend of our choice. We thank you in advance for your purchase as all our net proceeds go to St. Jude Children s Research Hospital. www.localharvest.org lemon-balm-seeds-C25844



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