123 BHK Flats for Sale By Aqasia Lantech Sanctoria Homes

The premium Residential project Aqasia Lantech Sanctoria Homes - Alwar Bypass Road Bhiwadi is under construction. Call 91-124-4014090 to get the best options in 1 2 3 BHK units at the best prices. Location - Sector 106A Bhiwadi Apartment Type and Area 1 BHK 595 Sq Ft 2 BHK 826 Sq Ft 3 BHK 1176 Sq Ft 3 BHK S 1290 Sq Ft PRICE Starting from Rupees 17.11 Lakhs Only at Rs 3 000 sq ft (discount extra) as on Date Contact no. 91-124-4014090 4014091 Mobile No. 9718395000 Office Address 904 - 905 9th Floor ILD Trade Centre Sector-47 Sohna Road Gurgaon - 122001Visit Website www.lantechinfra.com Email info(at)lantechinfra.com



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