2012 Ford F-350 Super Duty King Ranch

One Owner Clean Carfax Local Trade and New Tires. F-350 SuperDuty Lariat Ford Certified Power Stroke 6.7L V8 DI 32V OHV Turbodiesel and 4WD. Northgate Ford Lincoln Inc is very proud to offer this dependable 2012 Ford F-350SD in like-new shape. Ford Certified Pre-Owned means you not only get the reassurance of a 12Mo 12 000Mile Comprehensive Warranty but also up to a 7-Year 100 000-Mile Powertrain Limited Warranty a 172-point inspection reconditioning 24 7 roadside assistance trip-interruption services rental car benefits and a complete CARFAX vehicle history report. It is nicely equipped with features such as 4WD Clean Carfax F-350 SuperDuty Lariat Ford Certified Local Trade New Tires One Owner and Power Stroke 6.7L V8 DI 32V OHV Turbodiesel. Want to save some money Get the NEW look for the used price on this one owner vehicle. Previous owner purchased it brand new and it still looks like the day it rolled off the lot



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