Apple iMac 27" Desktop with Retina 5K display - 3.5GHz Intel

Our new Apple iMac 27 comes with distinguished features.... 3.5GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5 Turbo Boost up to 3.9GHz AMD Radeon R9 M290X 2GB GDDR5 27-inch (diagonal) Retina 5K display with IPS technology 5120 by 2880 resolution with support for millions of colors 32GB of 1600MHz DDR3 memory Mac OS X Yosemite FaceTime HD camera 1 TB Fusion Drive 802.11ac Wi-Fi Bluetooth 4.0 Two Thunderbolt ports Four USB 3 ports (compatible with USB 2) What s in the Box Apple 27 iMac Desktop Computer Apple Wireless Keyboard Magic Mouse Power Cord Place your order now Bestbuyphones(at) 1 757 447 0929



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