Psychiatrist needed at small outpatient practice - make your own

I own a small outpatient practice in Marietta GA. While we are small in therapists we are large in volume and growing in both. We have nowhere to send our current clients for meds and constantly get calls looking for a psychiatrist. If you are already on insurance panels we can have you full quickly. You have the ability to make your own hours and generally be your own boss. We ll take care of the scheduling billing and authorizations. Most of our clients are very high functioning and not in need of around the clock care. If you are not on any insurance panels we can get that done as well. More details can be provided upon request. This area is very short on psychiatrists so this is an opportunity to get involved in a practice that has been up and running for several years and is quite full and nowhere to go for psychiatry. Built-in practice ready for you. Contact me if interested and for details. anxiet_free(at) or 770-361-7864. Our practice website is



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