Automotive Technician - Goodyear - JR-40032951

DescriptionGoodyear owns and operates more than 600 tire and auto service centers nationwide. We offer a fun fast pace work environment with competitive base pay. Our comprehensive benefit package includes medical plans 401k certification reimbursement and paid vacations. At Goodyear we invest in you and your future by providing excellent training for our technician sales team and management positions. We offer fast track career advancement opportunities for hard working team players who can deliver results. If you are looking for more than a job apply today and begin your career with the tire and auto service innovation leader The Auto Technician must professionally inspect diagnose and repair tire and automotive services while delivering an excellent customer experience. They must explain technical diagnoses and needed repairs to co-workers and customers. The Auto Technician is expected to continuously learn new technical information and techniques in order to stay updated with rapidly changing automotive technology and perform work in accordance with specifications. The Auto Technician will also train and mentor co-workers as well as maintain clean and safe work areas. Job Requirements A valid driver s license High school diploma or GED is preferred Must be at least 18 years old Ability to lift an object weighing up to 60 pounds Goodyear is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Apply online at s srccsh RTI.home r 5000418082010& c 8& d _dissimuloSSO& rb CLASSIFIEDADS



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