TITLED ORTHO...POX PRICE IS 20000 second room of a five room art installation (interior use walk-in) 12 wide x 14 high x 12 wide in size see in detail at yessy.com then click on artists and sellers then click on billy joe francis and check out pages 1-6 of portfolio and read accompying texts (MOST IMPORTANT). ORTHO is the second chapter in the saga of our hero JESUS CHRIST AND HIS QUEST FOR HIS REAL DADDY (GOOGLE PANTERA) PLUS A BONUS OF ROY ROGERS AND DALE EVANS AS THE FALLEN ADAM AND EVE (see first four images in this ad for ortho). Pages 6-11 on yessy.com depict the first room titled HOME DEPOT PRICE IS 12500 4 wide x 10 high x8 deep in size (see last image for home depot entry portal) the entrance to this fantastic spiritual JOURNEY. CHECK OUT TEXTS WHCIH ARE NEW GOSPELS (see DNA gospel and others) and SELECTED VERSES FROM THE ARTIST S REWRITE OF THE SCRIPTURES. MULTIPLE DIORAMAS BEARTIFUL HAND PAINTED FAUX WOOD ACRYLIC MURALS PHOTOSHOP COMPOSITES FOUND AND MADE OBJECTS APPROPRIATED MASTER ART WORKS AND SCULPTURES - IRONIC FANCIFUL PUNFUL UNIQUE IDIOMS SYNTAX LANGUAGE...IRREVERENT AND PROFOUND. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DELIVERED AND INSTALLED ANYWHERE IN U.S. CANADA WITHOUT ADDED CHARGES CONTACT DIRECT (NO YESSY) FOR DISCOUNT willjfrancis50(at)gmail.com



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