JUST LISTED... Historic 2 Story Craftsman Home located close to Okmulgee Lake and Dripping Springs State Park. If you enjoy the outdoors this place is PERFECT for you Previously Updated Four Bedrooms 2.5 Bath Home with Loads of Charm and Character. Wonderful Wood Details Through-out 9 ft Ceilings Master Bedroom w private bath Gorgeous Livingroom w fireplace Kitchen w eat in area overlooking backyard Granite Counter Tops Hardwood Floors Newer Windows Large Covered Front Porch w porch swing Good Size Wooden Back Deck Fenced in Dog Run Four Bedrooms Upstairs Additional Room Downstairs for an office or 5th bedroom All Appliances will stay including Washer and Dryer and Detached Single Garage.This is a MUST SEE Call today to schedule a private viewing. Ruthchelle Sobresida REALTOR Associate Platinum Realty LLC 9148 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa OK 74133 C 918.902.onefouronefour 0 888.220.zeronineeighteight



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