Pictorial Documentary DVD - Cumberland Maryland

1800 s through 2014 pictorial mostly consisting of Buildings Landscape and Transportation of Cumberland Maryland and Surrounding Areas. A wonderful way to reminisce and enjoy the wonders of before and after through the years. No matter what your age you will be saying I remember that many times while viewing. Nostalgic Ads are placed throughout the DVD. Background music and songs are also added (which can be muted if desired). The DVD is light scribed (etched with the photo). Approx. 2 hours in length. The perfect gift for anyone that has or will be experiencing the beauty of Western Maryland Ebay Address www.ebay.com itm 261654901889 ssPageName STRK MESELX IT& _trksid p3984.m1555.l2649 Gmail Address reflectionslss(at)gmail.com youtu.be COHyklZYW_g



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