Exquisite describes this 4 bedroom 3 bath home in the desirable community of Belle Isle. Enjoy luxurious rooms with stunning architectural details throughout from the pavered driveway and entryways to a large yard this home truly feels like paradise. The kitchen is a delight with lovely granite countertops and beautiful 42 cabinets. From the lavish master bedroom suite step into a bath retreat that is perfect for relaxation and pampering. Call me today to view this magnificent home Furniture can be negotiated. Address 3933 Isle Vista Ave Belle Isle FL Neighborhood Belle Vista on Lake Conway Type Single Family Residential for Sale Bedrooms 4 Baths 3 Square Feet 2 671 Year Built 2008 For more information visit listing mlsid 149 propertyid O5300957 Ana Rivera- (407) 683-6966 La Rosa Realty



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