Water Front Vacation Home in Saint Petersburg FL 19500

Offered by Whistling Tom Two bedroom bathroom florida room living room kitchen and carport. Located on a small lake this home is in a very nice quiet 55 and over park just minutes from downtown St. Pete. It is comfortable inside with central air and heat. The double pane windows in the Florida room are treated with one way reflective film to help keep the cool air in. Light beige paint inside from front to back. Ceramic tile floors front to back . Inside washer dryer. Lots of storage and a large shed out back with a freezer. Large water heater and cozy bathroom with tub and shower. Furniture negotiable. The lot rent in this park is very reasonable at 304.00 per month. Please feel free to come by and take a look at it anytime. Valued at 22 000... asking 19 500.00 OBO Many music professionals have called Tom ...the greatest whistler in America . If you want to know more about the person from whom you are buying this awesome vacation home go to www.whistlingtom.com and check him out. Call Tom 727-873-7188 see more (at) helpusellrv.com ads by solutionsnational.com



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