2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT

Back in 1984 the space-efficient family shuttle known as the minivan was introduced by the Dodge Caravan. The bigger Grand Caravan soon followed as did a number of rivals that sprang up like dandelions on the well-manicured suburban lawns of the target demographic. Dodge still is an innovator in minivan design -- hide-away second-row captain s chairs for example -- yet the 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan also finds itself fighting some very well-groomed competition. The Grand Caravan s recent chassis powertrain and interior overhauls make it a better minivan that keeps pace with its Japanese rivals. The DGC also offers relatively agile handling class-leading power paired with respectable fuel economy and a cabin trimmed in quality materials with plenty of convenience features. Featuring versatile rear seating configurations an inviting cabin capable handling and an affordable base price the 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan offers attractive pricing and clever passenger- and cargo-carrying functionality. PLUS COMPLIMENTARY oil changes for LIFE a FIVE day NO HASSLE return policy and GUARANTEED loan approval. Jim Burke Where THE SALE NEVER ENDS



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