Garage Kept 2005 Honda Shadow 750

We have a very nice garage kept 2005 Honda shadow 750 that literally just had the whole fuel system cleaned and maintenance done. 14 000 miles. water cooler and locking steering. Black. We have owned it for 4-5 years and ridden for pleasure only. Asking 3000 which since I m dropping it so much is pretty firm. This is lower than kelly Blue Book Value which is based on a vehicle having twice as many miles on it and in just good condition.. It is in excellent condition. Reliable bike over the years. Bike needs absolutely nothing to be a nice dependable mode of transportation or perfect starter bike. Would not hesitate to jump on this bike and go anywhere. Very good gas mileage. Has plenty of power. You might find an older bike for a little less but it is going to be hard to find a 2005 in this condition with low miles for this price.



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