Laminated Tubes use in Pharmaceutical industries

We are manufacture and seller of Laminated Aluminum Tubs Collapsible Tubs and different types of closures & caps in various sizes. It s all are ideal for Pharma wrapping and care for humidity. We are registered with DMF and USFDA Approved.KEYWORD Aluminum Tubes Supplier Laminated Tubes Supplier Collapsible Tubes Caps and Clouser USE Different kinds of pharmaceuticals uses storage of creams ointments lotions gels cosmetics etc. Applications Internal coatings and liners Crimp sealants Tamper resistant features and options Visit laminated-tubes For Information about Our Aluminium Tubes Product. Contact Office Address Sorbead India 304-307 III Floor Prayosha Complex Next to Hyundai Motor Showroom Chhani Jakat Naka Vadodara - 390024 Gujarat India. Tel No. 91-756-768-8877 91-990-420-4261 Fax 91-265-276-1142 For Sales Inquiries sales(at) Toll Free Number 18002332677



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