Class C Drivers Wanted

We are currently looking for Motivated and Dedicated Class C drivers in Newbury Park area. This is a temp to hire position. POSITION MUST BE FILLED ASAP. APPLY NOW Schedule Monday thru Friday morning shifts. must be open to working some weekends. Requirements must have a california driver license must have 6months of verifiable clsss C Driving experience No more than 1 point on H6. must bring Original Copy of H6 and has to be current within 30days. Applicants are welcome to apply in person Monday Thursday from 10am-2pm (at) 14565 Valley View Ave Suite I Santa Fe Springs CA 90670. You can also start by filling out application on our website be sure to follow all instructions on how to submit your application. To email your resume please send to jobs(at) feel free to contact us if you have any questions (at) (562)846-4093 or (562)407-2300.



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