Panasonic econ Inverter Silver Air Conditioners - System Designi

Panasonic Air Conditioners Ideas For life SYSTEM DESIGNING 102 Aagam Complex Nr. Vasna Tel. exchange Pratapkunj Ahmedabad india Tfax. - 91 79 26631673 Mobile 9825024651. E-mail - sdesign_trs(at) 2. Constant ComfortPrecise temperature control with a wide power output range enables an Inverter air conditioner to meet different room occupancy levels thus ensuring constant comfort. 3. Quick CoolingPanasonic Intelligent Inverter air conditioners can operate with higher cooling power during the start up period to cool the room 1.5 times faster than non-Inverter models. ECONAVI Mono Sensor With the ECONAVI Mono Sensor the air conditioner can detect wasted energy and automatically selects optimum energy-saving operation based on two factors - Low Activity Detection and Absence Detection. ECONAVI Mono Sensor gives you energy-savings up to 20% . AUTOCOMFORT - mono sensor AUTOMCOMFORT Mono Sensor is used to provide comfort. High Activity Detection when the level of activity increases and automatically increases cooling power by an amount equivalent to decreasing the set temperature by 1 degree Celsius to improve comfort Blue Fin Condenser - Lasts 3 times Longer An Air Conditioner& s performance depends largely on its condenser which can take a beating from exposure to salty air wind dust and other corrosive factors. Panasonic has found a way to triple the life of our condensers using a layer of our original anti-rust coating. This special coating lets you enjoy more years of reliable comfort plus extra economy over the long run. Tejas shah 919825024651



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