Experience Class 1 drivers BC to AB

We are a local trucking company who is steady all year round. We are looking for reliable experienced class 1 drivers with minim 2 year experience and clean N drivers abstract to operate within Canada running between BC and Alberta. We transport full load freight on tandem axle dry vans. Paid twice a month with advances available. Lots of miles and no forced dispatch and adequate home time. We are currently looking for experienced class 1 drivers that will be a long term employee with our company. Only those candidates who meet the above criteria and conditions will be contacted. Description 0.43 per mile 25.00 paid live loading 18.00 per hour on all authorized work time 50.00 paid layover after 24 hours without a dispatch or 50.00 paid resetting hours of service while on the road. No hourly remuneration 20.00 per pick or drop after the first one is made. 0.45 per mile if over 10 500 per month Benefits after 6 months. Please email resume and N abstract to selena(at)transourcefreightways.ca or fax to 604-525-0528



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