HVAC Mechanic

Direct Hire opportunity in Skokie Illinois for HVAC Mechanic Reports food safety and quality problems to personnel with the authority to initiate action. Accepts work request pertaining to Industrial HVAC equipment chillers boilers air handlers and air compressors. Diagnoses malfunctions of heating air conditioning refrigeration systems and or components for the purpose of identifying repair replacement needs necessary to maintain equipment and systems. Installs heating air conditioning refrigeration systems and related equipment (e.g.unit heaters temperature controllers safety controls etc). Conducts daily boiler water treatment checks. Conducts daily checks of all HVAC equipment including chillers boilers air compressors and air handlers. Performs routine PMs pertaining to all HVAC equipment. Records all work performed in Maintenance Labor Reports on a daily basis. Offers opinions and suggestions towards the improvement of existing equipment and supplies. Conducts work performed in a clean complete and professional manner. Completes assigned work in an acceptable and productive time frame. Maintains a prompt and consistent attendance record. Performs other related duties as assigned for purpose of ensuring an efficient and effective functioning of the work unit. Is receptive to further training and education to improve job skills. Observes and follows existing company policies and procedures. Apply on line www.chaseprofessionals.com Are you interested Know someone who is Email resumes to emontes(at)chaseprofessionals.com CHASE Professionals is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a drug-free workplace. All positions are subject to a 7 year criminal background and a pre-employment drug screen.



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