
I have found that almost any woman that hasn t squirted feels as though she just can t. And out of these women that feel they can t most actually can. Squirting is more about the proper stimulation than anything else. If you have seen women squirt and been jealous chances are you actually can org-sm in this way. If you have had a very intense org-sm where you felt like you were almost going to pee and stopped you were probably close to squirting. (Just to be clear squirting is not urinating). When a woman squirts her body is stimulated in a way that is unlike any other org-sm she has ever experienced. It is a debilitating org-sm that usual renders your body spasmsing for 10-15 seconds in which you can t do anything but basque in the sheer exstacy of the orgasm. If you are curious about learning to squirt message me tell me a little about you. Include why you re interested in it and if you feel like you may be gotten close to doing it in the past. So your messages doesn t get lost in the shuffle write the color and cut of your panties in the subject line of the email.



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