2001 Winnebago Adventurer 35U

Onan 5.5 Marquis series generator (910 Hrs). Changed oil filter and air filter (901 Hrs 7 1 14). New-carburetor & plugs. Factory 600 watt inverter. (for entertainment circuit & satellite). New- 2000-watt inverter with auto-transfer switch. (for kitchen & bath). New - 2-6 volt house batteries. Heated basement. Dual pane windows throughout. New- dual pane windows ( replaced 3 that were fogged-up). Rear camera with built in microphone. Wraparound privacy curtain in windshield. Cockpit leather seating package Driver 6 way power recliner with swivel. New-Ceramic tile flooring. New-Carpet & pad. See pictures for workman ship detail. Wood cabinets with Corian countertops mirrored double door wardrobe. Plus much much more This ad was posted by RV Registry.



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