Roommate Wanted - Westgate Villa - DBQ West End

Built in 2000 - Two bedrooms two full baths large bonus Computer or Office Area 1200 sq. ft. Central Air Kitchen range with ceramic top refrigerator with ice maker dishwasher lovely patio private storage area controlled entry with intercom Two car parking in our underground garage Breakfast bar Vaulted ceiling in great room Hardwood or ceramic floors in kitchen Ceramic in bath Skylights in upper bedrooms large walk-in master closet and master bath. Extra Large Private Storage Area Included. Brand New Energy Efficient Appliances washer dryer 2-door refrigerator dishwasher microwave oven. Professional non-smoking female looking for a non-smoking roommate female preferable. Currently do not have pets but cats are welcome (w 500 deposit). Utilities paid 50 50. The master bedroom is the available room with a full walk-in closet and private access bathroom. Photos properties.php propid 19



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