Fireplace Insert Vermont Casting Seneca 2170

Might you be looking for a premium fireplace insert for a fraction of its value Well then search no more. Indeed A classic fireplace insert [that could also serve well as a free standing wood stove] second to none Sleek rare and beautiful. USA made by the renowned Dutchwest [Vermont Casting Co] is this Seneca 2170 fireplace insert. UL approved with original factory stamped info plates gold seal medallion and date codes. Very good excellent condition with front side loading 6 reversible vertical horizontal flue collar and thoughtfully designed EZ out ash tray with sealed door. Although the glass IS missing [easily replaceable] on the front door it has been professionally replaced with a HD 5 16 stainless steel plate. The unit comes with all the dedicated tools fire screen and manual. The insert is conservatively rated at 35 000 BTU Hr. Sleek massive contemporary black beauty and made with high density castings not found today .nearly 400 pounds of highest quality cast iron. Newer gaskets and clean inside out. Measures 22 W x 15.5 D x 26.5 H. Found on E-Bay for 2650.00. This one can be had for just 425.00 or offer. Winter is of course here but this unit will easily pay for itself in no time No texting .my phone is older than I. Just simply call.



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