Two 2014 Sea-Doo Spark Jet Skis for Sale

We have 2 2014 Sea-Doo Spark Jet Ski s (2-Up Models) & a tandem trailer for sale. We purchased the Jet Ski s the first week in June. One Ski has about 12 hours & the other has about 17 hours. We are selling because we do not have the time to use them and will be moving at the end of the month. Each Jet Ski & the trailer are in great condition. We hate to see them go but they need to go ASAP. They max out at about 43 MPH great on fuel a full tank at full throttle will last about 5 hours of consistent run time. It is still under factory warranty until June 2015.We will deliver jet ski s with full tank of gas and trailer and allow a test drive on the water. Make best offer serious inquiries only please. When sending over inquiry please change subject title so it does not go into spam.We will also entertain the idea of selling them separately. MAKE AN OFFER PWC Jetski Jet Ski Personal Watercraft Sea Doo



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