4 x6 Cargo Trailer

Cargo trailer for sale - cargo bed is 4 wide by 6 long x 30 high - plywood top can be removed easily to carry oversized items. Rear door also comes off if you need to carry extra-long cargo (see photos). 2000 lb. axle capacity B78-13T tires with good tread remaining. I purchased this trailer brand new from Joe s Trailer Manufacturing in Livonia in 1998. I have the title and original paperwork. Originally it had only side rails but I enclosed it with plywood for secure storage and weather resistance. It hasn t been used much - a couple of camping trips each summer and a hunting trip in the fall and two trips back and forth to Fort Bragg. It was in storage from 2006 to 2011 while I was deployed and has been sitting at Fort Bragg unused since 2011 until I moved back to Michigan last month. I d guess that it has something like 10 000 - 12 000 miles on it. I really love this trailer - you don t even know it s behind you when you re towing it and it s never given me a minute s trouble. But we don t have a place to keep it now so I have to let it go.



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