Customer Service Associate - Work From Home

The main activity of the role will be to participate in paid surveys. You will also be responsible for helping customers by providing product and service information.Apply at s cW2Bq0aQfcjMWvSifOther duties include Handle customers inquires and complaints Provide information about the products and services Document and update customer records based on interactions Candidates will join a nimble team at a young company with extraordinary growth potential.We are looking for candidates able to dedicate between 5 to 15 hours per week. Hours for the role can vary from week to week and can be flexible to work around you and your family. Some travel may be involved but this is optional.You will be paid by completing surveys.Apply at s cW2Bq0aQfcjMWvSifThe candidate Candidates should be self-starters extremely flexible as far as tasks are concerned and able to prioritise based on company needs while meeting tight deadlines. The successful candidate will fulfil the following additional criteria Ability to prioritize and multitask Have a positive and professional demeanor A willingness to be a jack-of-all-trades for the sake of being part of a forward-thinking start-up At least two years experience in a related field Own computer Internet savvy Ability to troubleshoot independently General administrative skills as well as experience within a customer-facing sector Excellent communication skills and phone manner To apply please submit your details outlining your experience for consideration.



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