RV-2008 Keystone VR1-30

VR1 Series M-275 FBS I have removed all of the decals due to them peeling away from sun exposure. This leaves the buyer with the option of leaving it blank or adding new decals without the hassle of removing the old vinyl ones. Fiberglass has a fresh coat of wax on it to prevent molding. Roof is in excellent condition due to the RV being stored under a full awning. 12v deep cycle battery was purchased in Sep 2014. RV has been thoroughly cleaned inside and out. All fabric has been shampooed. RV is clean and ready to be used. Everything is in operational order and no repairs are needed to anything. RV has tons of internal and external storage for daily living items. Serious inquiries only. Price is firm. Specifications Maximum Sleeping Capacity 6 Number Of Slideouts 1 Length (ft-in m) 30 1 9.2 Base Weight (lbs kg) 6555 2973.3 Carrying Capacity (lbs kg) 3010 1365.3 Hitch Weight (lbs kg) 735 333.4 Number Of Axles 2 Air Conditioning (BTUs) 13500 Power Sources Hard line 220v Towing hitch 12-prong 12v Battery Holding Tanks Fresh Water Capacity (gal L) 41 155.2 Gray Water Capacity (gal L) 56 212 Black Water Capacity (gal L) 28 106 Propane Capacity (gal lbs) 9.4 40 Water Heater Tank (gal L) 6 22.7 Interior Features Air Conditioning Standard Microwave Standard Stove Oven Hood Standard Refrigerator Freezer Standard Kitchen Dinette Bench Seats Interior Flooring Type Carpet Vinyl Master Bedroom Standard Queen Size Bed Hideaway full size bed in the living room couch Dinette converts to a small bed (child size) Number Of Bathrooms 1 Shower Stand up glassed in and an outside shower Television 24 Flat Screen LCD DVD Player CD Stereo Surround Sound Included Exterior Features Leveling Jack Type Front Manual Rear Manual Retractable Entry Steps (2) Storage (1) Large Compartment Propane Compartment 12v Battery Compartment VR1 includes TV DVD Entertainment Value and V Packages solid raised panel cabinetry and pleated fabric shades.



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