MAY 23 TO JUNE 7 - WEEKLY 950 DAILY 135 JUNE 7 TO SEPTEMBER 5 - WEEKLY 1000 DAILY 145 OFF SEASON AVAILABLE Relax and enjoy yourself in this two bedroom one bath ground floor apartment in a house by the bay. Just three small blocks from the beach with views of the bay across the street. Quiet and friendly block. The whole unit was completely renovated and everything is brand new. Apartment is fully furnished sheets and bath towels provided. Kitchen is fully equipped for your cooking convenience. Beach badges are included. Just bring your swim suits and beach gear Fits comfortably three to four guests. Go around the corner for ice cream at Custard s Last Stand or homemade breakfast coffee and a gourmet meal at conveniently located restaurants and coffee shops. All other businesses such as CVS and Wawa also within walking distance . Ventnor is a family friendly beach town located 10 minutes from Atlantic City where you can take advantage of all the entertainment and outlet shopping that AC offers. Rental week is Saturday to Saturday starting May 23 2014



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