2013 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2500 EXT High Roof

2013 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2500 High Roof 170-in. WB EXT CARGO VAN 3.0L V6 DOHC 24V TURBO DIESEL. This Van is in great condition it has shelves on the drivers side there is a folding aluminum ramp that folds down by hand assisted by struts. There is also a power winch in the back to be able to pull things up the ramp that are heavy.VIN WD3PE8CC2D5743413 MILES 274 724ONLINE AUCTION - AuctionDeals.com powered by GovDeals is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy commercial assets.QAL 12172-21 Auction Ends 01 17 2019.All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS and bidders may inspect prior to placing a bid. The price shown here is the current or starting bid and subject to change. To see full details additional photos and current bid please go to s www.auctiondeals.com index.cfm fa Main.Item& itemID 21& acctid 12172



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