Crash Dance Courses start in February Ronnie s Dance Studio 393

We will be running a series of 4 Crash Dance Courses over the next few months. We find these very popular as you can learn a few dances very well and use them right away. The classes will be held on Sundays from 4 30 - 6 00 p.m. Here s the line up February (4 weeks) 130 per couple - LATIN DANCE CRASH COURSE March (4 wks. 1 8 22 29 no 15th) 130 per couple SWING DANCING CRASH COURSE April (3 wks starts Apr 12) 100 per couple - SOCIAL BALLROOM DANCE COURSE May (4 wks) 130 per couple SOCIAL PARTY DANCING CRASH COURSE... Slow Dancing falls on Mother s Day... how romantic. If you sign up for 2 session you ll receive a 15 discount per couple if you sign up for 3 sessions you ll receive a 25 discount per couple. Log into or call 973-234-5234 for more info. For registration. You may stop by the studio (please call first) or send check to Ronnie s Dance Studio 393 Maxim Dr. ANDOVER NJ 07821 or log into PayPalPage.html. Happy Dancing



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