Dewalt Angled Cordless Nailer - Milwaukee Heavy Duty 12 inch Ham

Up for sale 1. DEWALT DC618K XRP 18-Volt Cordless 1-1 4in - 2-1 2 in NAILER - US 250.- OBO16 Gauge twenty Degree Angled Finish Nailer Kit - comes with case & Battery in superb condition Engine design allows the tool to work as fast as the end user with consistent nail penetration into both soft and hard jointsSequential operating mode allows for precision placement and the bump operating mode provides the user with production speed.Easy access to the nosepiece for the removal of jammed nails without the use of screwdrivers or tool wrenchesContact Trip Lock-Off allows trigger to be disabled when not in useIntegrated LED lights for long life and durability Top cap is impact resistant and easy to remove for troubleshooting2. Milwaukee 5380-21 1 2-Inch 9-AMP Heavy Duty Hammer Drill with Box - US 149.- OBO2 Modes of operation for increased versatility hammer drill and drill...



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