107 3br - 1500ft2 - Sanibel Island Condo Rental (sanibel island

3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms sleeps 8 Why choose Pointe Santo C-35 1. THE VIEWS 2. Newly refurnished with your comfort in mind 3. Comfy twin beds (2 per room) in both guest rooms 4. Gourmet kitchen with granite counter tops 5. Listen to the surf from the king sized bed in the master suite 6. Fine linens beach towels & chairs and toys provided 7. Secure password protected wireless Internet in condo 8. Family friendly beautifully manicured complex 9. Children s program available weekdays 10. DID WE MENTION THE VIEWS Wake up to your first day at beautiful Pointe Santo de Sanibel. Sip your morning coffee on the lanai while you take in the GLORIOUS GULF VIEWS. Take the kids SHELLING ON THE BEACH or to the pool or to the clubhouse for SUPERVISED CHILDREN S ACTIVITIES. Spend the afternoon playing BEACH VOLLEYBALL TENNIS or SHUFFLEBOARD. Ride your bike to Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge or the Dairy Queen. RELAX ON THE BEACH. Read a book. Take a nap. Get a tan. How about a glass of wine while you watch the sunset over the Gulf Enjoy Gulf views from the kitchen as you prepare dinner in our NEWLY REMODELED KITCHEN or BBQ steaks on the top-of-the-line gas grills. Savor the warm evening breeze. Take a nightcap down to the JACUZZI for some star gazing or a midnight stroll on the beach. Look for sea turtles. Nestle into NEW BEDS and LISTEN TO THE WAVES as you drift off to sleep.......for tomorrow is another day



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