Ready to move March 1 2015

Hello my name is LizEtta Hines I am currently a recepiant of Section 8. I already have had my voucher for 8 years. I am seeking housing as follows I qualify for a single family house with a housing limit of 1 330 if water sewer and garbarge are included. 2 bedroom 2 bathroom is preferred with washer and dryer in unit. My limit will be a little less if water sewer and garbage are not included. Please call and ask for prices. Now as far as a duplex tri-plex 4-plex my limit with water sewer and garbage is 1 387 dollars. I would pefer not to move into any bigger complex than that unless it is secluded as I am a very private person. You can also call and check the alternate price if wsg is not included. Again 2 bedroom 2 bathroom is perferred but again I am flexible. A few things to know is I pefer hardwood floor washer and dryer in unit has to be on top of the list I do not mind an upper unit as long as its not up a whole flight. 6 or 7 stairs at the most I need to be close to an elementary school. I have a ten year old son. I also need to be on a bus line as I have no transportation. I am coming from the Des Moines area and plan on returning to school as soon as I move. Now for the hard part lol. I do not by all means have a problem with paying for a credit report but I dont know if I will pass as I have failed one before again you can call and ask for details. But I have no evictions or criminal record. I am an outstanding citizen. With that being said please call if you see anything that fits my criteria. I have an open schedule and am availible for vewing at anytime. I also have a social worker helping me with my move if you would like to ask her any questions. Thank you for your time I look forward to your relpies



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