299month - 1 bedroom available for sublease

There is 1 room available (female) 299 month. Unfurnished with private bathroom and huge walk-in closet. I am graduating in February and will be leaving the area. Sublet would be from March 1 (possibly the week before if you re interested) through the end of July. If you re interested in moving in a little later than the end of February or March that s negotiable The roommates are very quiet almost never there and I would pay the application and sublet fee. Full kitchen with dishwasher fridge oven stove and microwave. There is also a washer and dryer in the unit. All utilities included (except electric bill but it is discounted. Usually around 20 month is all you pay for electricity). Cable TV w HBO and internet are also included in the price. It is located very close to USM. Amenities Include - Shuttle service to USM campus daily - 24 hr access gym on site - 24 hr access to computer lab (mac and pc) - tanning bed - clubhouse with pool tables and movie theater room - resort-style swimming pool - parking - gated community - located right next to the Long Leaf Trace Apartment Complex Website (for reference photos) eaglestrail.com



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