Pickers and Packers Needed

OVERVIEW Kelly Services has immediate positions available for pickers and packers with a growing company that has Distribution Centers in Piney Flats TN. Candidates must live within a 30 mile distance from the job site. Past experience is a must Candidates must also be able to work 12 hour shifts weekends and holidays. The positions are for 1st and 2nd shifts both with weekend availability. HIGHLIGHTS -Pay ranges from 8.50- 9.50 per hour based off of shift and location. -All positions are potentially temp-to-hire. -Overtime is occurring and is required. -Optional health benefits including medical dental vision and prescription drug coverage short-term disability and group life insurance. -Competitive weekly pay with direct deposit or Money Network Service. If you or anyone you know is interested then please apply by calling (785) 749-6083. You can also email your r sum to john.furst(at)kellyservices.com.



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