2007 GMC Acadia SLT-2

Strong and sturdy 2007 GMC Acadia SLT SUV. Clean Carfax Includes Bose Premium Sound System Leather Upholstery Power Power Liftgate Power Sunroof XM Satellite Radio Ready Multi-Disc MP3 player Dual Air Bags and much more This GMC Acadia has cleared all safety requirements and has passed a 40-point inspection completed by Certified Master Technicians in Los Angeles. The 07 GMC Acadia is a compelling choice for those seeking a nice crossover SUV that can also stretch your dollar. This vehicle shows that crossover SUVs do not have to compromise interior space. There is plenty of space for up to eight passengers to ride comfortably as well as cargo space to go with it. This SUV also dispenses with the clumsy bulky stereotypes of older SUVs. The handling dynamics are outstanding and the ride quality is very good. It s 3.6L V6 powerplant provides 275HP with 251lb-ft of torque to give you plenty of power for easy driving through the streets of Pasadena Monterey Park Alhambra San Gabriel and anywhere around the Pacific Coast and Los Angeles. It s a complete SUV without the unnecessary bulk. And now for a limited time enjoy this very special price on this used GMC Acadia It won t last long on our lot



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